Getting started

This document is designed to get you up and running with idios. This app is designed for use with Django, however, can be used with Pinax. Pinax can provide some extra components which will enhance the functionality of idios. Those extra components are designed for Django too and Pinax simply brings them together.


These are the requirements to run idios:

  • Python 2.4+ (Python 3.x is not supported yet)
  • Django 1.2+


To install idios use pip:

pip install idios

Add idios to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # ...

Hook up idios to your URLconf:

urlpatterns = patterns("",
    # ...
    url(r"^profiles/", include("idios.urls"))

This is largely all you need to do to get idios setup in your project. Continue reading on to learn more about how to use idios.


To get Django to link User instances to their profile pages you can add this bit to

    "auth.user": lambda o: "/profiles/profile/%s/" % o.username,

Now when you call get_absolute_url on any User instance it will return the URL to that user’s profile as configured above.

idios is designed to give you full control of the profile model. idios provides a ProfileBase for your profile model to extend. To hook in your profile model add this to your

AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "myapp.Profile"

This will additionally setup your profile model as the one Django’s auth app will use.

Where you put your profile model is entirely up to you. A common practice we’ve used is either having a project specific app named profiles or named after the project (we name all projects with _project suffix leaving the first bit open for an app name).

Here is what how your profile model might look like:

from django.db import models

from idios.models import ProfileBase

class Profile(ProfileBase):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    phone_number = models.CharField(max_length=20)